Why a Personal Trainer?
A personal trainer can do many helpful things for your fitness program. The trainers at flex fitness will provide you with a focused program designed for your specific needs and goals.
Our trainers are experienced in working with a variety of clientele ranging from athletes, beginners, injury rehabilitation, new moms or expecting, youths, seniors and clients with cognitive disabilities.
Your trainer with help motivate and demonstrate to you proper technique to perform the exercises in your program. They will also help you with proper safety expectations and spotting techniques.
Remember to ask as many questions as you need answered, because when learning proper exercise knowledge there are only good questions.
Alistair Hopper
Advanced Resistance Training
Rehabilitation of Injuries
Adapted Physical Activity
Parkinson’s Disease Programs
Ryan Stewart
Olympic Lifting
Athletic Development
Rehabilitation of Injuries
Mobility and Posture Training
Brody Kowal
Advanced Resistance Training
Nutritional Specialist
Bodybuilding Specialist
Weight loss Specialist
Tyler Hartwig
Advanced Resistance Training
Weight loss specialist
Mobility and Posture Training
Martial Arts Specialist
Jon Rempel
Advanced Resistance Training
Weight loss specialist
Hockey Strength Training Specialist
Athletic Development
Valentina Olmos
Advanced Resistance Training
Weight loss specialist
Rehabilitation of injuries
Pre/Post natal programs
Total Body Health
Susan Watson - Registered Dietitian
As a registered dietitian, Susan helps her clients understand the behavioural aspects to healthy eating, and gives them practical solutions to move past their nutrition barriers. She educates on the basic principals to meal planning, portion control, calorie budgeting and physical activity, as she puts it all together in a personalized nutrition care plan for her clients.
Prior to becoming a registered dietitian, Susan Watson (Registered Dietician) was a certified fitness instructor for 10 years. Susan then completed her undergrad in Human Nutritional Science at the University of Manitoba and her dietetic internship with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Currently she is now combining her fitness skills with her nutrition knowledge and offering comprehensive nutritional and lifestyle coaching.
Susan’s main nutrition focus is around healthy weight loss and weight management. Susan herself has struggled with the emotional and physical aspects of what it takes to maintain a healthy weight, and has healthfully managed two diabetic pregnancies.