How do I lose belly fat?
In this article you will learn how to lose belly fat effectively.
Losing belly fat is not only great for your self-esteem by looking better but it also reduces your visceral fat around your organs, which reduces the likelihood of developing severe health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
When your body loses fat it does it everywhere and not just one specific area. Spot reducing is not how your body loses weight, so doing a million crunches won’t get you there but by losing weight gradually everywhere you will eventually see the ab muscles appear. The reality is that the majority of your bodies fat is stored in the mid section area, therefore it is the last of the areas on your body to still have fat even if your arms, chin etc are thin. Don’t lose motivation, keep in mind that even weeks of health choices is one step closer to a flat stomach.
Here is how to lose belly fat:
💪 Exercise consistently every week (resistance training and cardiovascular training).
💪 Limit alcohol consumption.
💪 Reduce stress.
💪 Eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, with protein and fibre to help fill you up.
💪 Eat a caloric deficit of 200-330 calories from your BMR.
💪 If you are hungry drink water and wait twenty minutes (often thirst is disguised as hunger0.
💪 Never starve yourself or stuff yourself, always stay satisfied. Your body will tell you what it needs.
💪 Limit (less than 10%) processed foods and added sugars in your daily diet.
💪 Set goals on a monthly basis.