Jessi's Journey Blog #13
“I love watching my body transform before my eyes, and knowing I have the power to look the way I want, be whoever I want to be”
Welcome to the thirteenth blog entry for Jessi’s Journey towards her figure competition on May 25th, 2019.
The long road toward Jessi’s competition has come to an end and she won second place in her heat at the Van Dijk Classic 2019 in Winnipeg. The other competitors looked amazing therefore Jessi’s second place finish is that much more impressive. Jessi enjoyed a day of eating some tasty carbs on Sunday but was back in the gym and eating a regular healthy diet the next day. Consistency with exercise and diet is very important in the big picture. That means you can still enjoy indulgences at times throughout your week but remain consistent 80 percent of the time and success will always follow you!
Jessi would like to say how much she appreciated the words of support from her followers along the way. She definitely fed off that energy throughout her journey towards the competition date. Stay tuned for more Jessi blogs with exercises and workout tips in the future.
Be sure to ask Jessi questions about competition preparation at anytime. You can reach her through our contact form or by calling Flex Fitness 24/7.
For more information to have Jessi design an online program for you or to book one-on-one personal training with Jessi, then click on the link. Also, checkout Jessi’s very inspiring trainer profile here and learn more about the motivation behind her goals.
Congratulate Jessi on her long hard road and her second place finish!