Jessi's Journey Blog #1
“I love watching my body transform before my eyes, and knowing I have the power to look the way I want, be whoever I want to be”
Welcome to the first blog entry for Jessi’s Journey! We will be following Jessi as she prepares for her figure competition on May 25th, 2019. Every two weeks we will be posting a video of Jessi explaining where she is at in her journey, as well some photos to follow her transformation along the way. We will post her initial measurements and then post the changes every 6 weeks. As we get closer to the competition date we will be posting measurements more frequently. This will demonstrate how drastic the changes occur the closer she gets later on in her program.
Also, Jessi will be discussing the supplements that she is using and how she is adjusting her calories (macronutrients) for each stage of the program. If you have any questions regarding the reasons for the changes she is making, we encourage you to contact us. Jessi will personally address the questions either by putting it in her blog entries or by responding to your emails, and social media comments.
The closer we get to her competition date she will start to touch on the coaching for posing, that showcases her figure to the judges with proper technique. Another important part of the posing is your outfit or outfits. Jessi will give you advice on this as well and provide feedback with any questions you have.
Here are Jessi’s Initial measurements. We will be focusing on the muscle gain (fat free mass) for this part of her program.
Weight: 149.2 lbs/67.82 kgs
Skin Fold Measurements:
- Bicep 9.0 cm
- Tricep 15.0 cm
- Scapula 19.0 cm
- iliac 18.0 cm
Circumference measurements:
- Chest 89.5 cm
- Biceps right/left 29.5 cm/29.5 cm
- Waist 74.5 cm
- Hips 100.5 cm
Body Fat % = 29.32%
Fat Mass = 19.88 kgs
Fat Free Mass = 47.94 kgs
For more information to have Jessi design an online program for you or to book one-on-one personal training with Jessi, then click on the link. Also, checkout Jessi’s very inspiring trainer profile here and learn more about the motivation behind her goals.
Let’s get excited and cheer Jessi on to winning first place!